Bot Builder

Build your Own Virtual Call Centre in Less than 30 Minutes!

Build It I Own IT I Boost ROI

Use the Effortless Platform, to build a complex of the complex Agents in Just a Few Clicks

  • Easy to Understand and Use UI
  • Easy Language and Voice Change Options
  • Test your agent with instant mock campaigns
  • Copy and paste your agent to create their replicas with a different script
  • Listen to the response audios and modify your agents in real-time
Get Real-Time Analytics

Get Real-Time Analytics and Insights on a real-time basis

Monitor and Optimise your agents on a real-time basis by accessing real-time and in-depth analytics. Access conversation logs, the pick-up rate, the trend line, etc at your fingertips.

What else exciting is there?

  • No Code Platform - You need to know zero coding for developing the agents. All you need to do is just drag and drop and your agent is ready.
  • Define As Many Dispositions as you want - You may classify all the conversations with different dispositions and tags and can customise it anytime.
  • Schedule your Campaigns - With the option to run multiple campaigns at a time, you also get the option to schedule your campaigns as per your preferred date and time.

Easy Plug and Play Integrations

Superbot supports easy integrations with all the leading CRMs, Payment Gateways,
MarketPlaces, Telecom Providers
, etc, to enable businesses set up their
virtual call centre in the most seamless process as possible.

Drive your Business & Boost your Customer Experience with a next-gen calling solution!

Connect for your free demo now!