Automate your Feedback Collection with the help of an AI-Powered Voice Agent

Automated Process | 100x Faster Approach I Improved Services I Boost in ROI

Give your Business a Strong Recall Value

Give your Business a Strong Recall Value

Approach your customers at the right time without fail, with automated workflows and custom questions. Leading to strong relationship building with the customers, with a higher recall value and a good customer experience.

Improve your CSAT score by decreasing your TAT as well as by taking customers feedback on a regular basis.

Scale Up your Business with Real-Time Insights

Scale Up your Business with Real-Time Insights

Don’t invest ample hours to draw meaningful insights from your collected feedback and lose your valuable time. Get Real-Time Statistics on your Custom Dashboard, against the feedback collected by Superbot and drive your business strategy accordingly with no loss of time or valuable money.

Stand out of the crowd!

Stand out of the crowd!

With the capability of deploying multiple voice agents for collecting product-specific feedback against different questions & placing 1M+ calls a day, the businesses using Superbot will get an edge over their competitors. The feedback calls will also help in showcasing the adaption of new technology as well as in creating a stronger recall value in mind.

Experience the Powers of Superbot

Timely Feedbacks

sound wave

Experience the Sample Audio

Easy Plug and Play Integrations

Superbot supports easy integrations with all the leading CRMs, Payment Gateways,
MarketPlaces, Telecom Providers
, etc, to enable businesses set up their
virtual call centre in the most seamless process as possible.

Drive your Business & Boost your Customer Experience with a next-gen calling solution!

Connect for your free demo now!